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Council Meeting – 16th December 2024


24.163   Apologies

24.164   Co-Option of Councillor

24.165   Declarations of Interests and Dispensations

24.166   Approval of the Minutes of the Dunchurch Parish Council Ordinary Meeting from 11th November 2024

24.167   Planning update

To consider new planning applications and review planning decisions that have been determined.

24.168   Finance and administration

  1. To consider invoices and payments received
  2. Authorise payments
  3. To review the finance report
  4. To review and approve the quotation received to replace streetlight LC2 on The Heath
  5. To agree to instructing a streetlight survey by WCC
  6. To discuss and agree quotes for the felling of the Red Oak, Stocks Green

24.169   Clerk’s equipment

               To discuss and agree the purchase of a second screen for use by the clerk.


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