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Council Meeting – 13th January 2025


24.170   Apologies

24.171   Co-Option of Councillor

24.172   Declarations of Interests and Dispensations

24.173   Approval of the Minutes of the Dunchurch Parish Council Ordinary Meeting from 16th December 2024

24.174   Reports from Rugby Borough Councillor and Warwickshire County Councillor

24.175   Clerks Report of Activities including any appropriate correspondence

24.176   Planning update

To consider new planning applications and review planning decisions that have been determined.

24.177   Library update

24.178   To report requests for information and FOI Requests

24.179   Speeding, dangerous driving and traffic in the parish

24.180   VE Day Celebrations

24.181   Finance and administration

  1. To consider invoices and payments received
  2. Authorise payments
  3. To review the finance report
  4. To agree to instructing a streetlight survey by WCC
  5. To review and agree the 2025/26 budget
  6. To agree the 2025/26 precept demand
  7. To agree a budget of £200 for publication in the March edition in the Village magazine
  8. To review and adopt the Social Media and Electronic Communication Policy

24.175   Youth Club arrangements

To discuss the future arrangements of the Youth Club. To include a report from the Rugby Borough Council play rangers.

24.176   Village waste and dog waste bins

To discuss proposed charges for emptying

24.178   Village Hall Trustee Vacancy

24.179   FODS proposal

To discuss the proposal received from Friends of Dunchurch Society (FODS) to take over ownership of the four plant pots near the War Memorial 

24.180   Update on tree trimming, The Square, Dunchurch

To review quotes for felling the Red Oak and assess the updated tree survey along with any resulting actions.


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