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Council Meeting – 10th February 2025


24.181   Apologies

24.182   Co-Option of Councillor 

24.183   Declarations of Interests and Dispensations

24.184   Approval of the Minutes of the Dunchurch Parish Council Ordinary Meeting from 13th January 2025

24.185   Report from Police & Crime Commissioner Philip Secombe

24.186   Reports from Rugby Borough Councillor and Warwickshire County Councillor 

24.187   Clerks Report of Activities including any appropriate correspondence 

24.188   Planning update

To consider new planning applications and review planning decisions that have been determined. 

24.189   To report requests for information and FOI Requests

24.190   Speeding, dangerous driving and traffic in the parish

24.191   VE Day Celebrations

24.192   Finance and administration

  1. To consider invoices and payments received
  2. Authorise payments
  3. To review the finance report
  4. To appoint an internal auditor to carry out the independent audit of Dunchurch Parish Council’s accounts for 2024/25
  5. To decide on electricity meter exchange for Dunchurch Library and Community Hub
  6. To review and approve the Staff Appraisal Policy
  7. To consider replacing the four flowerpots located at the War Memorial

24.193   Village Hall Trustee Vacancy 

24.194   To consider quotes for replacing floodlights at St Peter’s Church

24.195   Red Oak, Stocks Green update

24.196   To consider options for the CCTV located at the crossroads

24.197   Private Session

Under Section 1, Sub-Section 2 of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 and in view of the confidential nature of the business about to be transacted, it was felt advisable in the public interest, if members of the public were present during the consideration of such business, there would be a disclosure to them of exempt information that the public be temporarily excluded and they are instructed to withdraw.  A resolution is required at the meeting for items to be discussed in Private Session.

24.198   To receive the annual appraisal report for the Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer


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